Day 1: April is National Autism Awareness month. What I wrote in my "Dear Autism" graphic explains EXACTLY how I feel. My little man is a shining beautiful example of what a child's life with autism looks like. My hope that not only April brings about awareness but that all year round people learn more and above all learn acceptance
Day 2: Last year when we still lived in Florida we went to Lake Eola for the lighting of the fountain in blue. It was a very special event for us and we all enjoyed it. Wish we could've taken part in it again this year
Day 3: Kaleo has had a hard time speaking up in class. His teacher always comments on how he is very verbal on a one to one basis but once there's more than one person (unless it's his family) he won't speak. So today I opened his progress book and saw this! It's quite a huge achievement for him!!!

Day 4: I am BEYOND proud of Kaleo. He has come so far from where he was. He's achieved so many goals. I'm proud when he repeats "momma, momma, momma" when it was not too long ago that he didn't speak. He makes me proud when he tells me his wants and needs. My heart swells when he randomly hugs me and tells me that he loves me. When he speaks up in class or simply when he sits patiently while at one of his zillion doctor appointments. I am proud of all he has achieved and has yet to achieve.

Day 5: Kaleo is extremely proud of himself when he completes a puzzle on his own. When he's able to make us laugh with the silly things he does. When showing the artwork he creates at school. He especially likes to use the sign language he used before becoming verbal.

Day 6: Kaleo shows his emotions really well. They range from love with his sister to affection with his dad, plain silliness or feeling shy and anxious about meeting up with someone who he hadn't seen in awhile. br />

Day 7: Kaleo's view on things is very comical. It's always interesting to see what he will do next. He will wear funny glasses, wear a drum on his head, be fully engulfed in his ipad( and that's the only view he sees) or wear his sister's leggings.

Day 8: Our current goal with Kaleo is getting a 1:1 para approved for him. I have an upcoming meeting and hopeful this will happen!

Day 9: Love Kaleo's ability to share his love is what makes this ride called autism, worth every meltdown or challenge

Day 10: Kaleo was nonverbal until he was about 2 & 1/2. His first word was "cow" and it was bc he would use a animal app at speech therapy that had different animals and their sounds. The pic on the left is when he was nonverbal and shortly after he was diagnosed. The one on the right is him now and he talks/sings alllll the time now lol

Day 11: Kaleo has many sensory issues. He constantly covers his ears when the noise level is too much for him..sometimes he does it to just calm himself down. Brushing really helps him and gives him the sensory input he's seeking. Paint was something that at first he did not like touching, he loves it now. Toe walking is a constant. Seems it's a combination of a shortened Achilles' tendon and also sensory. Swinging is something he has always loved since he was a baby. When he was 4 through about 6 months old he would only sleep in his swing. Looking back now it makes sense why he did that.

Day 12: Kaleo loves to play. If I would let him he can stay in the playground all day.

Day 13: an afternoon at the park. Kaleo's favorite way to spend an afternoon.

Day 14: Kaleo used the PECS system before he really became verbal. He was introduced to it by his amazing OT. It helped us so much, we still use it!

Day 15: some of Kaleo's fave apps are "Endless Alphabet", "Garage Band", "Yo Gabba Gabba, Party in My Tummy" and " I Dig Dinosaurs

Day 16: Kaleo likes to hold hands, although lately he's been running away when someone is not holding his hand. So it's mandatory now that he holds on to someone.

Day 17: There are so many wonderful memories with Kaleo it's hard to narrow it down to one. From his first day with his drum set, swimming in the pool, experiencing his first time around snow to being "Super Kaleo " for the autism speaks walk

Day 18: Kaleo's favorite outfit involves anything dinosaur related.

Day 19: Kaleo could live happily on these foods as they're his fave. Pancakes, pizza ( while checking out the ladies ), "crema" or cream made from rice flour and of course bananas which also substitute as phones

Day 20: Kaleo loves being with his family. Whether it's playing on the park with his Nani, as he calls his sister , sitting in my lap while watching tv or spending time with his dad when we went to visit him. He thrives on family time

Day 21: what kid doesn't like playing with Legos.

Day 22: Over the past almost 4 years we have become pretty familiar with waiting rooms. Whether it's waiting around to see his primary doctor or eye specialist, getting ready to have MRIs to monitor his brain cyst or having 24-72 hour seizure monitoring. Although all this familiarity does not make the process any easier.

Day 23: when we lived in Florida the dulce de le he Cheerios were his favorite. In NYC we have yet to see them sold anywhere, so now he will eat Alpha Bits without milk. However, he will always prefer his grandma's "crema" any day

Day 24: Kaleo's obsessions include dinosaurs ( of course), his iPad , Monsters Inc and George Pig from Pepa Pig

Day 25: Laughter has never been lacking for Kaleo. He was always a happy baby and always enjoyed laughing.

Day 26: Kaleo needs his "super hero" legs in order to help him walk. Once he's not wearing them he automatically goes back to toe walking.

Day 27: Kaleo loves running. He can be off and running in a second but usually ends up on the floor..... Which is the only way I can catch up with him lol

Day 28: Kaleo loves laughing and having a fun time. He especially enjoys making funny faces.

Day 29: if it's water related Kaleo is all about it. He loves water!! It calms him down

Day 30: Kaleo's smile ALWAYS brightens up my day. No matter how much life for us has changed his beautiful smile is a constant.

I'm not an ice cream person but when I saw these blue sprinkles I had to get some. Autism awareness does not end with April, I just hope you have learned a thing or two from this post. Autism now affects 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys. The prevelance of autism figures are growing. If you do not know someone with autism now soon enough you will. When you do meet that person with autism I hope some of what you have learned will help you.
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